
Polled Hereford Herd List
(Click on Animal ID to view pedigree)

EPD's as of 6/17/24
Animal ID Sire


S Reva Ann 4R 42A {DOD} MSU TCF Revolution 4R

0.0 4.5 70 115 29 63 $296 $136
S Shanina 84B 33E S Marksman 936 84B
42A 0.3 3.6 61 98 29 59 $248 $111
LH Ms Loni 861F {DOD} FTF Premium 6108D

-3.4 4.1 52 73 27 53 $273 $81
S Farrah Cuda 504C 90H BEHM 100W Cuda 504C
42A 11.9 -0.4 65 108 29 62 $322 $163
S Coventry's Cowgirl 4D 55J S Coventry Y02 4D

1.6 3.3 64 106 22 54 $259 $120
S Lilibet 4D 59J S Coventry Y02 4D
42A 3.4 4.2 76 125 28 66 $318 $157
S LH Marilyn 005H 21K LH 705E Relentless 005H
861F -1.6 5.0 64 97 26 58 $346 $92
S Cowgirl Queen E33 22K GO King E33

9.8 -0.2 65 105 39 72 $348 $145
BRP Stella 233 RV 9021W Outlier 4921

6.2 1.9 62 100 28 59 $466 $129

Herd Average

3.1 2.9 64 103 29 61 $320 $126
Breed Average

3.3 2.7 55 88 26 54 $360 $119

2024 Calves

S Miranda E33 81M GO King E33 C 21K 4.9 2.9 67 108 39 72 410 130
S Mimi 4D 82M S Coventry Y02 4D C 22K 12.3 -0.3 64 105 32 64 329 154
S Maureen E33 83M GO King E33 C 59J 4.3 3.3 76 125 39 77 395 160
84M GO King E33 B 42A

S Manchester 4D 85M S Coventry Y02 4D B 90H 12.8 0.2 66 109 27 60 318 164
S Mia E33 86M GO King E33 C 33E 4.3 2.1 66 108 40 73 362 142
87M BG 84F Perfecto 149J B 861F

S Margie 149J 88M BG 84F Perfecto 149J C 233 5.9 2.6 65 104 33 66 448 140

Herd Sire

BG 84F Perfecto 149J BG LCC 11B Perfecto 84F

6.0 2.4 66 105 38 72 $428 $147

AI Sires

RST 5051 Small Town Kid 9023 KT Small Town Kid 5051

13.9 -0.5 76 110 27 65 $472 $168
GO King E33 {CHB} K King 400 {SOD}

10.3 0.5 70 117 51 86 $475 $169
S Coventry Y02 4D {CHB} SHF York 19H Y02 {SOD}
8.6 3.0 72 119 24 60 $321 $169

*Note: Sire EPD's in bold indicate breed trait leader.
{DOD} = Dam of Distinction
{SOD} = Sire Of Distinction
{CHB} = Certified Hereford Beef Sire of Distinction